Past Events - 2021
LIVE Programs and Interviews by MC Angie Tomo Hoku
1:00 pm PST
Opening by Yuka Shimizu and Allen Nakamoto
Japan Fair Committee Board of Directors
1:15 pm PST
Greeting by Hisao Inagaki Consul General of Japan
Greeting by Sharon Santos Washington State Representative
Greeting by Lynne Robinson Mayor of the City of Bellevue
1:30 pm PST
Interview with Yasuko Sato
Soprano Opera Singer
2:00 pm PST
Interview with Fumi Tagata
Songs of Hope
2:30 pm PST
Interview with Sam Takahashi
84 Yesler Restaurant
3:00 pm PST
Interview with Doug Palmer A Friend of Bruce Lee
Interview with Noriko Palmer A Creator of the Japanese Phone Book
3:30 pm PST
Interview with Jane Stonecipher
Executive Director of Japanese Garden
3:45 pm PST
Japanese Radio Exercises ラジオ体操
UV Performing Arts
4:00 pm PST
Interview with Elly Baxter
Baxter Law International PLLC
4:10 pm PST
Interview with Shinji Maeda
President of Aero Zypangu Project
4:30 pm PST
Interview with Tatsuya Nishina
Master of Kendama
5:00 pm PST
Interview with Takaaki Takai & Toshimasa Nasu
NHK World
5:30 pm PST
Interview with Yu Ugawa
6:00 pm PST
Interview with Kazufu Hotta
President of Necchu Schools
6:20 pm PST
Interview with Tomio Moriguchi
Former CEO of Uwajimaya
6:30 pm PST
Haiku Contest winners / Kimono Gallery Awards / Cosplay Show Awards
6:50 pm PST
Closing by Yuka Shimizu and Allen Nakamoto
Japan Fair Committee Board of Directors
About MC: Angie Tomo Hoku
Tomo (AKA Hoku) has been a bilingual emcee for many years in both Hawaii and Seattle, doing various events involving Hawaiian music, hula, sports, information technology and/or food & hospitality industries. Tomo works freelance as an interpreter and translator as well as a tour coordinator, in greater Seattle area as well as all around the world. And as if those gigs aren't keeping her busy enough, she also fulfills her creative interests by being a recording artist for Hindi-Japanese songs, and also by posing as a model at sessions and ateliers such as Gage Academy of Art. She would like to connect with her audience, with her motto from Mother Teresa’s quote: “Peace begins with a smile.”
Tomo “Hoku” Angie
トモ(Hoku)は、ハワイ、シアトル、日本を拠点に、バイリンガル司会者として、ハワイアン音楽やフラ、各種文化&スポーツイベント、IT産業やフード&ホスピタリティ業界の分野で、ステージから笑顔を送っています。通訳者&翻訳者としてのキャリアも長く、またツアー・コーディネータとして、様々な地域にて観光業務に携わっています。クリエィティブな分野では、オリジナル・ソング・シンガーとしてインドやシアトルでレコーディグを重ねている他、美術学校やアトリエ・セッションでのモデルとしても活躍中です。自身が尊敬する、マザー・テレサの言葉「Peace begins with a smile – 平和は微笑みから始まる」をモットーに、たくさんの方と繋がって行きたいと願っています。